Tuesday, April 16, 2013

High School Adventure (Reflection of Education)

High school has been a journey for me. This experience has changed my life profoundly. There were many challenges I had to overcome and there are some that I am still overcoming. High school has made me a more independent and gown up person. There have been many times in high school where I noticed myself changing and develop. Once I was on my way to math class and out of nowhere I thought of the world. I realized how the world is an infinite adventure. There is so much to do in and to learn of this very complicated world. I could expand on this but the point is that this changed my whole way of thinking. I became more interested in the world and everything around me. I started wanting to know more and actually enjoyed some of the material covered in class. But this is only one example of many realizations and experiences I had in school. I believe that my time here has really helped me grow academically and as a person. It has prepared me for my adult life.


  1. It's good that you have started to actually enjoy education, I'm sure that makes your high school experience a lot better in general because of this. It is important that you are prepared for your adult life because once this year is over, you're going to start to be treated like an adult so I guess you just have to be ready for that.

  2. I too have become more aware of what is going on outside of the classroom. I think there is a point in everyones life where something just clicks and you think wow the world really is a massive place. For me, I know there are going to be hard times and the world is a scary place but I am so excited to start those adventures. I love hearing that you too are having these thoughts too. I really enjoyed reading your reflection and relating to it.

  3. This is very inspiring. I share your experience of high school. It has definitely changed me for the better. I am a more well-rounded person. I think about the world differently and how there is much, much more in the world outside of the classroom and high school. I have developed a lot and, like you, it has set me up for the rest of my life.

  4. This shows that you have really matured over the years. When we are young, we sometimes live in our space or bubble, and don't want to discover what is in the world around us. It is great that you are jubilant and motivated to learn and be adventurous. It shows a sign of maturity which is very good.
