Monday, April 22, 2013

I write to...

I write to express my ideas. I write to tell. I don’t always get the chance to say what I want. Writing is free and writing is endless. When I write I can say everything I want. And after I get the feeling that I actually said everything I wanted. That is why I write.


  1. Your post has alot of truth in it. Writing is one of the few avenues where one can be free in their expression. Unlike for example, speaking to someone else, writing mostly involves only the self. Thus it is up to the individual, and this gives a person the freedom to say whatever they want.

  2. You're right, "writing is free and writing is endless". This is very true as you can write about anything at any time. Some people can't express their feelings verbally so they attend to writing to express their feelings. Good job.
